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AP 120: Policies and Procedures Dissemination


The Superintendent has been given the responsibility for implementing policy and procedures, which includes maintaining the Board Policy Handbook and the Administrative Procedures Manual and their dissemination to the appropriate members of the Division. 


  1. The Superintendent will ensure that the Board Policy Handbook and the Administrative Procedures Manual will be available on the Division web page so that all trustees, employees, students, parents, and the general public have ready access to all Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.
  2. The Superintendent will distribute updated copies of policies and administrative procedures to all policy handbook holders.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the Principal to:
    1. Convey to and interpret policy and administrative procedures for the school staff; and
    2. Ensure updated copies of policies and administrative procedures are readily available in the school.
  4. The NLSD website is the access point for current Board policies and Administrative Procedures.