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AP 216: Curriculum Development


The Division believes it has a responsibility to ensure that the programs and curriculum being utilized in Division schools are appropriate to the needs of the students and desires of the community.

The Superintendent believes instruction will be enhanced through locally developed courses. However, the Superintendent expects that all instruction be free of bias and discrimination of any type. Instructions in programs not specifically authorized by Alberta Education must have the prior authorization of the Board.

The Division supports the development of courses by its teachers to meet the specific educational needs of students. The  Superintendent encourages teachers to investigate new curricular ideas, develop and improve programs, and evaluate results. The Division further believes that the process of developing curriculum should:

  1. Include the production and use of courses which address unique needs of students within the Division;
  2. Involve students, teachers, and members of the community in curriculum development;
  3. Encourage innovations which may strengthen educational programs; and
  4. Establish clearly defined objectives for ongoing and new programs by which to assist in planning of student learning and also to facilitate evaluation.

Instruction in programs beyond the basic instructional program will be provided where student numbers warrant and resources are available.


  1. Locally developed courses shall be offered only after approval by the Board.
  2. The objectives of the courses being developed shall be consistent with the Division's curriculum goals.
  3. The resources required for the development and implementation of new courses shall be determined by each site administrator.
  4. New courses being developed will have built-in evaluation procedures.
  5. Prior to development, a school administration study will be conducted to ensure that:
    1. A proposed course will be chosen by a reasonable number of students;
    2. Materials for implementation of the program are accessible;
    3. Teachers are available to deliver the course.
  6. Prior to school-site implementation, all courses will be Board approved.
  7. Requests for Board approval of a course shall be submitted to the Superintendent by March 15 or September 15 and shall include:
    1. Philosophy and rationale;
    2. Learner expectations;
    3. Specific content outline;
    4. Special facilities required;
    5. Identification of and proposed treatment of controversial course components;
    6. Degree to which the course complements, but avoids overlap with, provincially developed courses;
    7. Plan for assessing student achievement;
    8. Plan for course evaluation and monitoring by the school authority.
  8. Any locally developed course becomes the property of the Division and, as such, the Division retains copyright for these materials.
  9. Site based administrators shall obtain copyright permission to use courses, learning resources, and related materials developed by others.
  10. Site based administrators shall ensure that locally developed courses are evaluated and revised as necessary.