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AP 316: Medical Needs of Students


To ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff, procedures for the safe administration of personal care and severe or life-threatening medical situations have been established. 


Allergies: may include reactions to foods, animals, plants and perfumes.

Anaphylaxis: a severe systemic allergic reaction, which can be fatal, resulting in circulatory collapse or shock-for example, a reaction to a bee sting or nuts. 

Asthma: a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. 

Emergency Response Protocol: a written plan that outlines the actions required to address the specific needs of a student’s particular health concerns. 

Medication: a drug that is obtained either through prescription by a physician or over-the-counter purchase. 

Personal Care: includes activities such as toileting, tube feeding, suctioning, catheter care, etc. 

Self-administer: the student or staff member assumes responsibility for independently carrying and taking medication. 

School-related activities: include events in school, during school-sponsored programs and while students are traveling to and from school by means provided by the school. 

Significant Health Concerns: serious or life-threatening health conditions including, but not limited to, severe allergies, anaphylaxis, diabetes and epilepsy. 


  1. Division personnel shall cooperate with public health officials and other groups in the provision of health services such as testing, inoculation and health education programming.
  2. Division personnel shall be aware that the common law doctrine of “in loco parentis” does not allow them to give consent for any medical treatment on behalf of a parent.
  3. The responsibility for medical treatment and personal care ultimately rests with the parent or guardian or independent student. Where applicable, parents shall annually complete and sign a personal care management plan (Form 316-1).
  4. The Division expects principals to implement site procedures for the delivery of personal care and for dealing with significant health concerns, including anaphylaxis, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy or other serious life-threatening conditions. Principals shall establish procedures for responding to a medical emergency. 
  5. Administration of Personal Care
    1. Principals shall establish written procedures for administration of personal care at their school using the following guidelines:
      1. Requests for the administration of personal care during school or school-related activities shall be made in writing by the parent or guardian to the principal using Form 316-1.
      2. The principal in consultation with other Division staff as applicable, shall make the decision with respect to the request to administer personal care to the student.
      3. The personal care management plan (Form 316-1) shall be completed by the parent upon registration and updated:
        1. When a significant health concern is diagnosed;
        2. At the beginning of each school year;
        3. When health concerns change; and 
        4. When the student changes schools.
      4. Relevant medical information shall be recorded in the student information system and included on the student’s Instructional Program Plan (IPP), if applicable.
      5. Routines to ensure the correct, safe administration of personal care shall be developed and documented at each school site on the appropriate management plan (Form 316-1) in consultation with the parent or guardian, health care provider and, where necessary, other Division staff.
      6. The principal, in consultation with staff, shall assign the responsibility for the administration of the routine medication/personal care to a qualified staff member. An alternate person shall be identified and trained to administer the personal care in the absence of the regularly designated staff member.
  6. Any emergency medications provided by the parent and which are not in the student’s possession shall be stored in a secure and accessible location in the school, and all individuals working with students shall be aware of the location of the emergency medications, including inhalers and injectors.
  7. The principal shall alert staff members of the procedures for responding to emergency medical situations, and shall provide training for all staff members who may be in a position of responsibility for students with significant health concerns.
  8. The principal shall work with the Director of Transportation who shall notify bus contractors they are transporting students who may require the administration of emergency medication and ensure they receive appropriate information, training and instruction.
  9. The principal shall confidentially inform adults who work with students (for example, substitute teachers, practicum students, coaches and volunteers) of the identity of any student with significant health concerns and the identity of a staff member to contact immediately in the case of emergency.
  10. If a situation is considered serious or life threatening, or in the case of the administration of an EpiPen or other auto injector, an ambulance shall be called. Parents shall be informed immediately when there has been a serious incident such as low blood sugar causing hypoglycemia, anaphylactic shock or grand mal seizure.
    1. When emergency intervention for severe allergies, asthma, diabetes, etc. requires students to carry medication, the Principal must provide for the safety of all students by ensuring medications are handled safely, are not shared with other students and all staff, volunteers and contractors are aware of emergency procedures.
  11. Type 1 Diabetes
    1. The administration of quick-acting glucose source (for example glucose tablets, juice or sugared candy) or the provision of follow up snacks (for example digestive biscuits, crackers or cheese) is acceptable and can be dispensed by any adult in accordance with written instructions from the parent (Form 316-1).
    2. Parents should be informed when a quick-acting glucose source for low blood sugar was administered.
    3. When developmentally capable, students should be allowed to test their own blood sugar levels upon request of a parent or student.
    4. Sharps, blood glucose test strips or other medical waste shall be disposed of according to occupational health and safety standards.
  12. Staff members shall not provide students with any non-prescription medication (aspirins, etc.).