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AP 350: Student Conduct


The Superintendent has a responsibility to provide all students enrolled within the Northern Lights School Division No. 69 (NLSD) with a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. The Superintendent expects schools to help students develop behaviors and social skills which will enable them to be socially responsible, caring and contributing members of society. The Superintendent expects students to be responsible for their behavior that impacts upon the school environment regardless of where it happens, including online.

The Superintendent expects schools to create, distribute and review annually a student code of conduct which:

  1. Ensures students respect constitutionally protected rights.
  2. Prohibits bullying behaviors and sets out a procedure for addressing such behavior.
  3. Is publicized and posted for all students and their parents or guardians.

The Superintendent expects students, in keeping with their level of maturity and capacity, to:

  1. Act with due regard for the supervisory authority of staff.
  2. Respect the constitutionally protected rights of others.
  3. Refrain from bullying behaviors.
  4. Refrain from taking or encouraging actions which are unsafe or put the safety of others at risk.
  5. Refrain from making threats or engage in behaviors which disrupt the welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment of the school.
  6. Respect the property of the school division, staff and other students.

The Superintendent expects all staff members to share the responsibility for supervising the behavior of students and:

  1. Look for opportunities to educate students in pro-social behavior.
  2. Model the behaviors students are expected to learn.
  3. Report violations of the established rules of conduct to the principal.


  1. A code of conduct shall be created in consultation with students, staff and parent council and reviewed annually to ensure it is current and effective.
  2. The code of conduct for students is to be clearly communicated to students in an age appropriate format.
  3. Parents shall be advised of the student code of conduct. The delivery of this information via paper or electronic means will serve as fair notice of the student conduct expectations of the Superintendent.
  4. Students and parents/guardians must be advised that the violations of the code of conduct may result in sanctions up to and including suspension with a recommendation for expulsion in accordance with AP357 – Student Suspension-Expulsion.
  5. The principal shall ensure that their school provides students with a process for reporting unwanted and unwarranted actions of other students that they feel constitute bullying behavior.
  6. The principal shall ensure that support is provided for students who are impacted by inappropriate behavior, as well as for students that engage in inappropriate behavior.
  7. Authorized supervisors, including parents, are expected to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct and enforce the standards of behaviors described in section 8.
  8. The principal shall be clear in developing the Student Code of Conduct and shall include the following directives to students in an age appropriate manner:
    1. Be responsible for providing a positive and healthy environment for others by maintaining order, self-discipline and having consideration for the rights and property of others;
    2. Be responsible for neatness and cleanliness of personal attire and hygiene;
    3. Refrain from fighting, physical bullying, creating disturbances, denying others the use of school facilities or buildings, intentionally injuring another person or acting is such a manner as to expose others to risk or danger of harm or injury.
    4. Refrain from using threats, psychological or social bullying, or engage in acts of intimidation against any other person whether on school grounds, off-school grounds or in a virtual online environment.
    5. Respect the health and safety of others and will refrain from possessing, transmitting, or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or non-prescription drug or prohibited substance or by engaging in gambling, extortion, theft, assault, excessive noise, or any other unlawful activity.
    6. Respect the educational process and learning environment of others by refraining from intentional or habitual tardiness, inexcusable absences, or any activities which diminish the rights of others and the opportunity of other students to receive an education and obtain the maximum benefit from a public education.
    7. Respect the rights of all individuals and refrain from discrimination because of the race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status or sexual orientation of that person or class of persons.
    8. Respect and understand that the student code of conduct applies at sporting events, competitions, field trips, and other school sanctioned events wherever they occur.