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AP 353: Weapons or Potentially Dangerous Items in School


Northern Lights Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and caring environment for all students, staff and guests. The Division prohibits the possession of a weapon (or replica) on a person in any school, in transport to or from school, or at any school related activity. For further clarity, weapons are also prohibited in a student's locker or desk, or any other school related location.


A weapon is a firearm of any description, a knife or similar item (including replicas) dangerous to others or anything designed to be used or intended for use in causing physical or psychological harm to any person, or for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person.


  1. Principals will annually inform all students, staff and parents that weapons or potentially dangerous items are prohibited as per this Administrative Procedure and the Student Code of Conduct.
  2. Where a serious threat to safety exists due to the possession or use of a weapon, the principal shall take immediate action including calling 9-1-1 and initiating safety procedures such as a ‘Lockdown’ if appropriate.
  3. Staff members, in attempting to remove weapons from an individual's possession in a non-threatening situation, shall exercise due care for the safety of themselves, students and others.
  4. Where a weapon has been removed from an individual and where it has been necessary to inform the police regarding the possession of a weapon, or in the event that a ‘Lockdown’ has been initiated, the Principal shall inform the Superintendent or designate and, in consultation with division staff, initiate appropriate communications with parents.
  5. Weapons taken from students or others shall be immediately turned over to the principal. The weapon shall be stored in a secure place until either removed by the RCMP or, where appropriate, arrangements can be made with parents to have the weapon safely removed from the school. At no time will weapons be returned directly to students.
  6. Possession of a weapon may, depending on specific circumstances, be grounds for suspension and/or a recommendation for expulsion, subject to Administrative Procedure 357, Student Suspension and Expulsion.
  7. In all situations involving weapons at school or at school related activities, the staff shall be cognizant of the Criminal Code of Canada. The local police authorities/outside agencies shall be notified and requested to become involved as warranted and/or required by law.
  8. Where appropriate a Violence Threat Risk Assessment may be initiated to ensure future action or safety.
  9. The possession and use of laser pointers by students is prohibited.