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AP 370: Northern Lights School Division Sponsored Student Awards


The Northern Lights School Division No. 69 (NLSD) believes that all students should strive for personal excellence in their academic studies. Students who are diligent in their studies and achieve levels of excellence are eligible to apply for and receive financial rewards that encourage and support their transition to post-secondary education programs.

NLSD believes high schools should communicate scholarship and awards information to eligible students through their academic and career counseling services to ensure that these students are aware of the conditions and deadlines of NLSD sponsored student awards.

NLSD Sponsored Awards

XEROX Legacy Scholarships for Distinguished Service

Xerox is providing $1,000 (one thousand dollars) for scholarships to be distributed across the Division. Five $100 (one hundred dollar) scholarships will be given to students attending university, and five $100 (one hundred dollar) scholarships will be distributed to students in the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). The scholarships will be awarded in the names of the Division Staff who have been recognized for their contributions. These staff recognition awards will be announced at the yearly System Focus Day. Award recipients are nominated by local high schools.

Aboriginal Achievement Award

The Aboriginal Achievement Award is designed to encourage and assist Aboriginal youth to pursue post-secondary studies with the ultimate objective of obtaining a university degree, a college diploma, or a certificate from a technical institute.


  1. It is the responsibility of schools to submit the names of students eligible for Provincial Diploma Examination (PDE) course awards. Cheques will be issued and sent to the schools to be distributed at awards ceremonies as planned by the school administration. Schools are encouraged to invite Trustees to such presentations and celebrations.
  2. Information and application forms will be made available to schools on the NLSD website. Application conditions and deadlines may change without notice. Applications should always be printed from the website directly to ensure the most current form is being used.