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AP 520: Fund-Raising


While the Division recognizes its obligation to provide funds to meet the basic costs of the educational needs of students, it recognizes that some schools may wish to enhance these educational offerings and to engage in fundraising for this purpose. Fund-raising activities must be compatible with the best interests of both students and the community.


  1. Schools
    School-initiated fund-raising is permitted subject to the following provisions:
    1. The approval of the Principal is required for all fund-raising activities which are initiated by a school and for the way in which the revenues gained from them are used.
    2. In giving approval to fund-raising activities, the Principal is expected to:
      1. Give judicious consideration to the educational need for the revenues which will be raised and the impact of each fund-raising activity upon students, parents and the community-at-large.
      2. Consult with staff and, when appropriate, students and parents. Consultation with the School Council is deemed appropriate and strongly urged when fund-raising activity will extend beyond the school's premises to involve the community-at-large.
      3. Consult with staff and parents when considering fund-raising involving elementary, middle or junior high students in games of chance like lotteries, raffles, pools and bingo.
      4. Abide by the regulations governing fund-raising established by the Province of Alberta.
    3. Fund-raising activities may be subject to the review and approval of the Superintendent or designate.
    4. Consideration must be given to the safety of students and to maintaining good public relations when organizing any projects involving activities beyond the school.
    5. Revenue from fund-raising must be used in direct support of the school's educational program/goals and for the purpose for which the activity was undertaken.
    6. Book fairs or other voluntary initiatives for student and or parent purchase of leisure reading materials may take place only if they are based on educational benefits and are initiated by the school staff with the approval of the Principal.
    7. Acceptable forms of fund-raising include the:
      1. Sale of a useable product;
      2. Sale of products not available through local businesses or, if available from local businesses, the sale of products which have been provided by local suppliers where price and quality of the product are comparable to out-of-local business area suppliers;
      3. Provision of a worthwhile service to the customer;
      4. Receipt of funds and or services as provided for under the conditions of "charitable donations".
    8. The following are not permitted:
      1. Activities which bring personal financial gain to students or staff, unless approved by the Superintendent or designate.
      2. Any activity on Division property which results in financial gain from pupils or parents to any outside individual or commercial enterprise unless it is approved by the Principal.
      3. Any fund-raising or promotion in which students are compelled to participate.
      4. Prizes for student participation beyond those which can be fairly judged by the Principal to be token in nature. In general and wherever possible student rewards will be of an intrinsic nature.
      5. Sales methods which have the potential of putting the safety of students in jeopardy are prohibited. (For example, no unsupervised door-to-door sales by students.)
    9. Principals will give parents, and the community, as much advance notice as possible of fund-raising activities which extend beyond school premises.
    10. Arrangements shall be made for accountability or revenues and expenditures at a level higher than the person designated to be in charge of raising the funds.
    11. An audited financial statement of revenues and expenditures in connection with all fund-raising in a school over the course of the preceding school year may be requested by the Associate Superintendent (Business and Financial Services) before July 31 of each year.
  2. Parent and Community Groups
    1. Parent or community groups may conduct lotteries, raffles or other fundraising activities on behalf of schools, with the approval of the Principal, and subject to the regulations of the Public Contributions Act.
    2. The Superintendent expects groups affiliated with the school to operate in accordance with the spirit of the Division's policies and procedures and to consult carefully with the Principal in planning and conducting activities associated with the school. Principals are expected to make such groups familiar with the appropriate policies and procedures.